December 28, 2010

Merry (Belated) Christmas!

photo/artist link (click photo)

No this is not my house- but doesn’t it look cozy! Beautiful tree, fireplace, probably snow outside….

Merry Christmas! It is a few days late….Christmas was really great here. I really enjoyed the 4 day weekend.  
I spent the day with Nick- woke up early and opened our gifts. He got me one of the best gifts ever! Trail riding certificate for the LA equestrian center! I have been saying all year how I wish I could go riding again- so very sweet -I was so surprised! ^o^ Also some lotion and sugar scrub so I am extra soft now : P
Later in the day we enjoyed Christmas dinner- roast with mashed potatoes, biscuit and cornbread stuffing. Very yummy the roast was done perfect. : ) Then he made a yummy pear and ice cream dessert…yes, he is the best ever!

I was so proud- I got out all my Christmas cards before Christmas and just sent out my family’s Christmas gift package….so they get their gifts a few days late- but hey they are getting them : )
Here is a photo that we took when I was back for my visit in November.

You can see more at my sisters photo blog here
Major of course was not left out- he got some yummy Christmas treats. Although I am sure he would have settled for a piece of roast: P
It is back to work for me- but I have a three and a half day weekend! And I get to spend my New Years with Nick so I am excited!
Happy New Years everyone!

December 13, 2010

80 degrees winter?!

Artist/Photo Link
I really like this photo- it makes me admit that I am missing some of the winter snow. At the same time I am enjoying the 80 degree weather we have been having the last three days in Los Angeles.
We spent the weekend with Nick’s father and his wife out in Laguna.  We enjoyed watching the sunset over the ocean while eating dinner, lying in bed extra long watching morning football, and walking Major around the quite neighborhood.
Major really enjoyed prancing around and kicking up the grass. He doesn’t get a lot of that here in downtown.
It has also been brought to my attention again that I could use a new camera. Right now it just leaves me wishing I could somehow download my mental snapshots ^o^
It was really a fun weekend. Like taking a mini vacation- it was so much fun we might have to make it a regular occurrence!
Until later…..