December 2, 2011

Books on my Want/Must get list

On my last post I said my list of “Must get” books is growing. I thought I would do a quick post on these books because I think they are all great and should be read by more people. Most of these books I checked out from the library first- unless I note otherwise ^.^
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The Complete Guide to Natural Dyeing: fabric, yarn, and fiber:
This book is going be my friend when I want to dye the fibers that I plan to raise on my future farmstead. This is one of those books I could never take notes on or I would be basically copying the entire book. SO It is a must get for my book shelf.

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Dr. Pitcairn's complete guide to Natural Health for dogs & cats: (Got it!)
This is a great book for anyone with pets (dog or cat). I did skim through and read parts of this book. But it is so full of great information on natural healthcare (homeopathic, herbal, ext.) that I need it on my shelf. Mostly because it is going to be a book I keep coming back to for reference.
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Homeopathic Care for cats & Dogs:
This is another book I checked out in pursuit of my quest to treat my pets naturally. This is a book that I will need for my shelf as a reference book. It is HUGE and full of pretty much any problem you can think of with homeopathic solutions. It is a great guide book on treating your pets with homeopathy.
Another note: This is the book I got right after my dog Major suffered from pancreatitis. I actually took the suggestion in the book for a herbal tincture to support the pancreas. (Which Major now gets every day.) You can find that tincture here if you are interested.
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Paddock Paradise: (Got it!- Currently at my families in MI)
I noted this book in my post reviewing the book “The natural horse”. This is #2 on my must get list. This is one of the books I have not gotten from the library first, but that I think will be an invaluable source of information.

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The complete herbal handbook for the dog and cat:
This was one of the first books I got about natural pet care. I do not agree with feeding grains to my pets like as outlined in this book. But even so this book is a must for my shelf- I just love it!

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The complete herbal handbook for farm and stable:
This is another book I have not seen before wanting to purchase. I want to get this book because it is by the same author as above, and I love that book so much I want to see what is suggested for farm animals as well.

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Natural Nutrition for dogs and cats:(Got it!)
This book has to be #1 on my MUST BUY list. I love how everything is explained in this book, it is easy to read, is short and simple, and just full of great information. I think if anyone is thinking about feeding their pets a raw natural diet should read this book!

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Create an Oasis with gretwater:(In the Mail)
This book is a must get for me because it is so comprehensive. I could not take notes on it because every page was something I needed to know (and full of great illustration/graphs on how to). So if you are thinking of using greywater for your home this book is a must get!
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The art of Charcuterie:
I actually picked up this book the other day after listening to the Nature’s Harmony Farm Podcast (which I will post about after I have caught up). I will have to admit I drooled over this book ^.^ So many great photos with delicious recipes and how to information. So this is a must get in the future for making some yummy things. 

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Homeopathy- A to Z home handbook:
This is another one of those books that I got from the library and new right away I need it for my book shelf. It is a great guide book for treating you and your family with homeopathic remedies.

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Your Body can Talk:
This book I only skimmed over but it was apparent right way that this is a book that I will need on my shelf for reference. This book is about kinesiology (muscle testing) for weaknesses and strengths in the body. This is something I am interested in the vein of learning more about natural health care.

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Patternmaking for a perfect fit:
This book I also just skimmed because it is one of those books I will need on my shelf for reference. I love the full color step by step photos! I am a visual person so stuff like this makes the most sense to me. This book is great because it shows you how to take a garment (even bags) and create a pattern from that existing garment. Now usually I only remake a garment when my current favorite is falling apart (then I take apart the old and use it as a pattern), but this is a great option to have on hand as well.

December 1, 2011

Books, Books, and more Books! (A little bubble in my random thoughts)

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Ok, so as I posted before I try to get all the books I want to read through the library. If I actually went out and bought all the books I was interested in I would be broke and would have no room left in my apartment. O.o
It is also good for me because some books that I thought were going to be great (which after getting them from the library- were not) would have been a bad purchase. So that is the good thing….but now I have read a few books that are one my “MUST GET” list….and the list keeps growing.
So in my “free time” I was thinking about a contest for a book store like Barnes and Noble. I thought that it could be online or in store and it would be a timed “all you could buy” kind of thing. Like if it was online it should only be 15 minutes and in store more like half an hour. Especially if you have to bring your load of books up to the check out and run back and get more. Then whatever is in your cart or at the cashier stand at the end of the allotted time you get for free!
Of course the flaw in my plan is what dose B&N get out of it? I guess if it was a raffle- or every new member was entered…..but then I am pretty sure I would not win and my whole contest idea would not work for me like I thought. Because the whole daydream of getting a bunch of free books I want was based around me winning. O.o
Anyways that is one of the random bubbles of thought floating around my head and I just wanted to share it with the world…
PS. If anyone hears about a discount book program or contest let me know!