December 2, 2011

Books on my Want/Must get list

On my last post I said my list of “Must get” books is growing. I thought I would do a quick post on these books because I think they are all great and should be read by more people. Most of these books I checked out from the library first- unless I note otherwise ^.^
Amazon Link
The Complete Guide to Natural Dyeing: fabric, yarn, and fiber:
This book is going be my friend when I want to dye the fibers that I plan to raise on my future farmstead. This is one of those books I could never take notes on or I would be basically copying the entire book. SO It is a must get for my book shelf.

Amazon Link
Dr. Pitcairn's complete guide to Natural Health for dogs & cats: (Got it!)
This is a great book for anyone with pets (dog or cat). I did skim through and read parts of this book. But it is so full of great information on natural healthcare (homeopathic, herbal, ext.) that I need it on my shelf. Mostly because it is going to be a book I keep coming back to for reference.
Amazon Link
Homeopathic Care for cats & Dogs:
This is another book I checked out in pursuit of my quest to treat my pets naturally. This is a book that I will need for my shelf as a reference book. It is HUGE and full of pretty much any problem you can think of with homeopathic solutions. It is a great guide book on treating your pets with homeopathy.
Another note: This is the book I got right after my dog Major suffered from pancreatitis. I actually took the suggestion in the book for a herbal tincture to support the pancreas. (Which Major now gets every day.) You can find that tincture here if you are interested.
Amazon Link
Paddock Paradise: (Got it!- Currently at my families in MI)
I noted this book in my post reviewing the book “The natural horse”. This is #2 on my must get list. This is one of the books I have not gotten from the library first, but that I think will be an invaluable source of information.

Amazon Link
The complete herbal handbook for the dog and cat:
This was one of the first books I got about natural pet care. I do not agree with feeding grains to my pets like as outlined in this book. But even so this book is a must for my shelf- I just love it!

Amazon Link
The complete herbal handbook for farm and stable:
This is another book I have not seen before wanting to purchase. I want to get this book because it is by the same author as above, and I love that book so much I want to see what is suggested for farm animals as well.

Amazon Link
Natural Nutrition for dogs and cats:(Got it!)
This book has to be #1 on my MUST BUY list. I love how everything is explained in this book, it is easy to read, is short and simple, and just full of great information. I think if anyone is thinking about feeding their pets a raw natural diet should read this book!

Amazon Link
Create an Oasis with gretwater:(In the Mail)
This book is a must get for me because it is so comprehensive. I could not take notes on it because every page was something I needed to know (and full of great illustration/graphs on how to). So if you are thinking of using greywater for your home this book is a must get!
Amazon Link
The art of Charcuterie:
I actually picked up this book the other day after listening to the Nature’s Harmony Farm Podcast (which I will post about after I have caught up). I will have to admit I drooled over this book ^.^ So many great photos with delicious recipes and how to information. So this is a must get in the future for making some yummy things. 

Amazon Link
Homeopathy- A to Z home handbook:
This is another one of those books that I got from the library and new right away I need it for my book shelf. It is a great guide book for treating you and your family with homeopathic remedies.

Amazon Link
Your Body can Talk:
This book I only skimmed over but it was apparent right way that this is a book that I will need on my shelf for reference. This book is about kinesiology (muscle testing) for weaknesses and strengths in the body. This is something I am interested in the vein of learning more about natural health care.

Amazon Link
Patternmaking for a perfect fit:
This book I also just skimmed because it is one of those books I will need on my shelf for reference. I love the full color step by step photos! I am a visual person so stuff like this makes the most sense to me. This book is great because it shows you how to take a garment (even bags) and create a pattern from that existing garment. Now usually I only remake a garment when my current favorite is falling apart (then I take apart the old and use it as a pattern), but this is a great option to have on hand as well.

December 1, 2011

Books, Books, and more Books! (A little bubble in my random thoughts)

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Ok, so as I posted before I try to get all the books I want to read through the library. If I actually went out and bought all the books I was interested in I would be broke and would have no room left in my apartment. O.o
It is also good for me because some books that I thought were going to be great (which after getting them from the library- were not) would have been a bad purchase. So that is the good thing….but now I have read a few books that are one my “MUST GET” list….and the list keeps growing.
So in my “free time” I was thinking about a contest for a book store like Barnes and Noble. I thought that it could be online or in store and it would be a timed “all you could buy” kind of thing. Like if it was online it should only be 15 minutes and in store more like half an hour. Especially if you have to bring your load of books up to the check out and run back and get more. Then whatever is in your cart or at the cashier stand at the end of the allotted time you get for free!
Of course the flaw in my plan is what dose B&N get out of it? I guess if it was a raffle- or every new member was entered…..but then I am pretty sure I would not win and my whole contest idea would not work for me like I thought. Because the whole daydream of getting a bunch of free books I want was based around me winning. O.o
Anyways that is one of the random bubbles of thought floating around my head and I just wanted to share it with the world…
PS. If anyone hears about a discount book program or contest let me know!

November 30, 2011

Book Review: The Natural Horse

Amazon link

Natural Horse: Lessons from the Wild for Domestic Horse Care
I read this book because I plan to live in the desert/high desert someday and the wild horses that were observed for this book were in the same type of terrain. So I thought it might be a good place to start to learn how to keep them on that type of land.
I believe, as is the basis for this book, that wild horses can teach us a lot about how to better (naturally) take care of our domestic horse partners.
The book goes over history of horses, which I skimmed over, only because I have read it a million times. Then it goes over the social organization, movements, and hooves of the wild/natural horse.
In part one, where the author gives great detail on the various aspects that let the natural horse thrive in the wild; I was thinking this is all over my head. It was just such great detail into the gaits of the horse and the hooves, measurements and balance. I mean I have seen horses move, seen various hooves, and know a lot of the basics…..but I am sure a professional trainer or Farrier would be able to better see what is in the book and correlate it to what they see every day. For me I would need video to compare the two.
So I was a little worried when I wasn’t really getting how to connect the wild/natural horse model to domestic horses…but then I got to part two and it all made sense! (How about that ^.^) I agree with most of what was suggested. I think the biggest challenge for me will be the “natural” water source and figuring out the correct “pasture” or things to plant- and if they will be able to grow in the area that I plan to live. But I am sure I can do it!
For me, after getting horses, I was taught that there is “a way” to do things. Like you want horses on flat land, no rock, lush green grass…but with my ever growing interest in doing things the natural and sustainable way I wanted to extend that goal to every part of my life, including horses.
I really like the section on the natural horses hoof shape. If you have not seen the photos of the natural wild horse’s hooves- compared to the domesticated horses hooves do yourself a favor and check them out here! Also here are some before and after shots of domestic horses with natural/barefoot hoof care.
As far as this book goes I would like it on my shelf but it is not on my “MUST GET NOW” list.
But I do think it is a good read for anyone with a pretty solid understanding of horses. Or someone like me who has been around them for a few years, who would like to learn more about natural horse care and expand their knowledge of the wild/natural horse model.
Here is a site for another one of Jamie's books Paddock Paradise.
This book is the next on my list "Books I must get"- I wish the library carried it. But from the reviews I have heard it is worth the purchase!
Amazon Link

November 23, 2011

Book Review: The Unhealthy Truth

Amazon Link
The Unhealthy Truth: How our food is making us sick- and what we can do about it
By: Robyn O’Brien with Rachel Kranz
This book I feel will connect better with families that have children- especially those suffering with allergies. But I really think this book has a lot of facts that everyone should read involving the food industry, how it effects your health, and really how most people know nothing about it!
The book is on the personal journey of Robyn and her discovery of the connection to the food we eat and how it may have directly contributed to her children’s allergies. Also it tells of how her journey in discovering her children’s allergies drove her to create the Allergy kids foundation.
I love the detailed and fact based information that she gives you on EVERYTHING to back it up. Some of the things I have already know about- but others I did not. And let me tell you I was shocked!
One thing that really gets me fired up- that I only found out about recently is that the entire U.S. has unknowingly been part of the GMO (Genetically modified organism) “experiment” since the 1990s! I am sure you might have heard some buzz about this in the news recently. Especially since there has been petition to label these GMO so that consumers know what they are eating- and can avoid it if they so desire. I mean it was bad enough that we were spraying all those chemicals now in some plants they are growing the pesticides right into the food!
**Warning Small rant to follow:
Of course the company producing this product (Monsanto) is fighting with claws out not to get the labeling of GMOs passed. My personal opinion is because they know that people will opt not to eat foods containing any genetically modified ingredients- if not to help the earth- than to protect their health and the health of their children. And I think Monsanto knows this and that is why they dread a law to label GMOs.
Some great news for CA- let’s hope this catches on around the nation.
California is poised to be the first state with mandatory GMO labeling laws through the 2012 California Ballot Initiative process.
Read more here.
Even noted in the book is how she wishes that there was someone else to name besides Monsanto. The problem is there isn’t. Monsanto is over everything from the GMO products- to the rBGH- to the round up that the GMOs are made to withstand (then they can sell more roundup!)The thing that makes me sick is that the corporate participants in Monsanto are now in the government- in the FDA! So now on a government level they can push their product.
You should also do a Google search on what will happen if you are a farmer- that did not purchase or plant their seed product- but because of natural spreading of seed/ pollen via air, bees, and birds your farm  can end up with Monsanto suing you for using their product without purchasing. EVEN IF YOU DON'T WANT THE SEEDS!
 I would have to say the last nail in the coffin for me was that Monsanto has the desire to patent pigs…PIGS! I mean farmers are hassled enough for the grains they grow- now livestock. I really belive that Monsanto is trying to take over the food supply for the U.S. and that is going to hurt everyone. For more on this go to the Organic Consumers website.
***END rant :)
It is of course not just Mansanto stopping our food change. Pharmaceutical companies and health insurance companies also profit from us eating poor quality food that makes us sick. And since Pharmaceutical companies give a lot of money to government related organizations- why would they want to shut it down? Even at the expense of the people in their country that they should be looking out for.
A few things I did know but at worth repeating are:
-The influence in the U.S. of Pharmaceutical and Food companies influence on research. Chances are if they are funding the research on their product- that product is going to pass inspection.
-Stay away from Soy! It seems that only small amount of soy are ok for the adult- but it is something right now that is pretty much in ALL the processed food we eat- and it is causing health concerns.
For more on Soy go to: The Westen A. Price Foundation
Or Ask Dr. Sears website. (This is more for the soy formula- so common for babies)
-Look for food labels with a short list of ingrents- or ingredients you can pronounce!
Some things I would strongly consider or am considering after reading this book:
-If you do not grow your own food- you might want to consider a small garden. I grow tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, mint, and basil in my small Los Angeles studio window. This gives you complete control over what you are growing and what you feed your plants.
- I want to stock up on organic seeds. I just have to see if they will keep until I can plant them.
-Organic milk/milk products- if not organic at least rBGH free. Read about it in this book- I am sure it will change your mind as well. I currently get organic milk and yogurt and would eventually like to switch to raw milk as well to reap the health benefit that it provides (but that is another post).
Now after reading this book- I could not help but feel overwhelmed it was a lot of truth to take in.
In this book though the have a lot of suggestions on the small steps that you can take to make yourself and your family healthier.
Take it in baby steps.
Change just one thing at a time. Once a week or once a month.
Start small and work to a goal of 80%- 20%. Eighty percent  nutritious, pure, healthy food- and the twenty percent for some wiggle room and what you just can't control.
To sum up- this book would be great for everyone to read- but particularly for people with children.
It is also full of some great resources to further your knowledge and stay up to date. Pretty sure I would not mind having it on my shelf.
Here are a few websites that might help you as well.
Chef Ann Cooper- Lunch Lessons: changing the way we are feeding our children
Food Inc- Movie website (in another blog soon)

November 14, 2011

Book review: Visions of Health

Amazon Link
Visions of health- Understanding Iridology
By: Bernard Jensen and Dr. Donald V. Bodeen
First off I have to say this book was really easy to read.  It had very good section the history and background of iridology. Usually in this section I just skim the information- but in this book it was actually interesting to read.
I like that it is breaking it down for you so that even an average person can look into their own eye and get an idea of their weaknesses and strengths.
I also really like the encouragement to seek wholistic care- in treating the person as a whole and not just treating the disease.
It also outlines the importance of a healthy mind or outlook on life. You have the power to change your attitude and outlook on your life for the better.
I love the photos to accompany what is being discussed. I am a visual person so I love to have that to visualize what I am reading.
This is more of a book to wet you appetite and get you started in your study of iridology. Because although it gives you an idea of where to look and what to look for- it does not discuss the treatments to repair the weaknesses you see. Although it does concentrate on the importance of bowl health and how it affects the rest of the body- which is that a healthy bowel will promote health in the rest of the body. So I suppose that if you heal the bowel and promote heath throughout the body that would be considered a treatment for healing the weaknesses that you may have. I think this is really important because it is something that we don’t really think about.
Overall I think this a book that I would like to add to my library for reference.
I would recommend it to anyone that is interested in iridology and wants to learn more. Especially since it is easy to read - as opposed to an all facts “text book” style book.

November 3, 2011

Green Festival

Well for my Halloween weekend there were no parties (for me)…but on Sunday I took a walk down to the LA convention center for the Green Festival.
I really like going to expos and getting all the pamphlets and getting the opportunity to speak with other people on things that greatly interest me. In this case- green living- raw foods- fermented foods- solar power…and all things good and natural.
Since I don’t want to max out my blog with an overview of EVERYTHING- I will give a highlighted version of things that really interested me.
-Dharma Rescue: I think I stood at this booth for about 20-30 minutes talking to the wonderful Liana. I think this is my new favorite rescue group. Not only do they take in older and special needs pets- but all are fed a raw or homemade diet and all conditions treated holistically and naturally- with a practice of no vaccinations. If you can make a donation! I am seriously going here next time I adopt!
-Nutivia: So far I really like the products from this company. And I plan to order from them in the near future. But what I feel head over heels in love with was the Coconut Manna. My mouth waters just thinking about it! I could easily buy it by the case- and I love that is it is all organic products!
-Cal Earth: The only reason I really stopped by here was because I am already committed to building and living in one of these homes some day. So I wanted to stop by and see if they had any information that could help me. Instead I got side tracked talking to someone who actually built and lives in one. I did however pick up a flier for their seminars on building.
-Winston A. Price Foundation: I was first draw to this booth because I saw the campaign for raw milk info. But I got into speaking with a really nice woman (I am sorry that I didn’t get her name) about raw milk and the foundation. I took some information about it and am currently reading more. But so far it makes sense- and sounds delicious and sustainable. Something that I think I could really adapt into my lifestyle.  I have since been in touch with the local chapter and am looking forward to learning more and participating. (I will try to post updates as I get them O_-)
Here is a quick quote from the site:
“The Foundation is dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism. It supports a number of movements that contribute to this objective including accurate nutrition instruction, organic and biodynamic farming, pasture-feeding of livestock, community-supported farms, honest and informative labeling, prepared parenting and nurturing therapies. Specific goals include establishment of universal access to clean, certified raw milk and a ban on the use of soy formula for infants.”
There were a few more things that I liked- but I will talk more about those in other posts when I get the products!

November 2, 2011

Book Review: Women’s Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine

Amazon Link
Women’s Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine
By: Tori Hudson, N.D.
I have to say that I really like this as a reference book. I will admit I didn’t thoroughly read the entire book. Rather I read the part that pertained to me and skimmed the rest.
But what I did read (and skim) was great detailed information on how to take care of common woman health concerns.
This is a book I will definitely be purchasing for my reference shelf! I also believe it is a book that all women, particularly those interested in natural woman’s healthcare should have.

September 16, 2011

Book Review: The Healing Echo- Discovering homeopathic cell salt remedies

Amazon Link
The Healing Echo- Discovering homeopathic cell salt remedies
By: Vinton McCabe
Part of a three book series:
The healing enigma- demystifying homeopathy
The healing bouquet- exploring Bach flower remedies
I read this book primarily because I am really interested in alternative health treatments. It started when I saw my family’s natural health therapist and was recommended a few of these remedies. I have to say I was taking them (until I recently ran out) and I felt better taking them, more balanced, my skin was better, and my digestion as well. So naturally I am looking to study everything I can get my hands on pertaining to the cell salts.
This book gives you a great history of how cell salts came to be, very detailed Materia Medica (details on the salts and what they treat- or are best suited for), as well as a detailed “First aid” overview of symptoms/illnesses and the cell salts you can utilize to treat them.
It is a lot more involved than “Oh, I have a cold. I’ll take some Dayquil.” The cell salt you choose depends on the characteristics of your cold. Such as the color of the discharge/mucus (I know gross! But an important factor), If you are hot or feeling chilly, running a fever but cold, you are starving but food upsets your stomach, and various other factors and options that determine what remedy is best suited for you as an individual. After all we don’t always react the same way when we get a cold; the symptoms usually vary person to person.
I love that this treatment is based on who you are as an individual. I also like the way it is SO much safer than the conventional forms of treating these ailments. And in my opinion more curative in the long run. It does not just suppress the symptoms (as with conventional medicine-never allowing the body to adapt); it helps the body fight and build a strong immunity structure for the future.
The one thing I did not agree with is the authors view on not taking the cell salts in combination or as a nutritional supplement. I do have to say he does ultimately leave it up to the reader and does not push his opinion, which I appreciate. But I myself do not see the harm in taking them in combination. Although if you are judging the effectiveness of a particular cell salt you might want to take them one at a time (to be able to judge effectiveness individually).
But I will also want to say that I am not a studied professional like out author- that is just my opinion. I hope to one day in the near future study the cell salts and other forms of naturopathic care and may learn more to change my opinion- but for now I will stay with what I can feel in my own body in using the salts.
I would recommend this book for people who are interested in alternative therapies particularly cells salts. This is one of those books that has so much information for me to take notes on that I am going to have to buy it. If I were to take notes I would basically being typing out the entire last half of the book! I think it will make a great reference book to have on hand for utilizing the call salts in all aspects of health- and treating illness in the home.

September 1, 2011

First Book Post :)

Hello everyone,
So the other day I was talking to my mom about the latest book I was reading and she suggested I post a quick review on my blog. I figure I currently don’t have a lot to post about and I read A LOT! (I get all these books from my local library.) Some people melt their credit cards with overuse- I would melt my library card :P
So here you are my first book review…..

Amazon Link
Living off the Grid: A Simple Guide to Creating and Maintaining a Self-reliant Supply of Energy, Water, Shelter and More
BY: David Black
I chose this book because some day I would like to live in a more rural area off the grid. So being the type of person I am- I am researching it as much as possible. (I take notes as well and usually get asked around work what I am studying - I guess I could easily say my future.)
This book is a great read for anyone interested in living off grid, or people who want to know what they can do now to conserve in their homes. Although it is more geared to people interested in off grid living. It also cautions the few with a passing interest that living off grid is a serious change in life style and should not be taken lightly.
It covers topics like: Shelter, Energy, Water, and Waste. (Even some suggestions on off grid jobs.)
It is not a complete how to book but a great book to start with to know what you are getting into.
For me there was not a lot in it to take notes on, but I have done a lot of research on the various off grid topics already. But like I said, it would be perfect for those who have heard about off grid living and would like to learn more.
One thing I did not agree with was using a microwave in place of a convection oven to save energy. Although it might save energy it also emits microwaves that are bad for your health. (I am currently working mine out of my kitchen and into a dumpster.)
What I did like about it was it was easy to read. I also liked that it listed options on each topic that I plan to implement in my set up. Such as: Shelter-earth dome/earth bags; Water- well & rainwater collection; Energy- solar & wind; Waste- Gray water, composting, and composting toilets. I felt that it covered most if not all of the options usually available in off grid living. (Although there are new option always developing.)
Over all worth the read if you know much about off grid or are interested in off grid living.
I think that I might do a post at a later time with a more detailed look at what I would like for myself for a self sustaining future home.
Till later…..

August 17, 2011

It’s been ages….

Ok, so it has been way too long since my last post. Not that I didn’t have every good intention of posting before now- but life carries me away- and I tend to procrastinate :P
So I took a weeklong trip to Michigan to see the family and celebrate my little sister’s graduation. Of course she is taller than me know- so not so little I guess. I had a lot of fun while I was there- despite being awake over 24 hours after I got there- that is what I get for taking the red eye I guess. I can’t seem to sleep in the uncomfortable airplane chairs. But it was worth it to see the family. Of course then I miss them all the more when I have to leave…but I am always thankful for the time that we do get to spend together. Of course I am always happy to come back to LA and see Nick and Major : )
Here are a few photos from a photo shoot my sister and I did before I left. That was full of giggles!
I was a pirate- she is the Mad Hatter

You should have seen the "outtakes"

We had a bit of a scare with Major last month (July 16th). On The 16th I had to take him to the vet- luckily I found one open on Saturday so I didn’t have to pay emergency vet prices. Anyways, I had to take him in because he kept getting sick and couldn’t keep anything down. So after x-rays, blood work, fluids, and about $700 we found out it was pancreatitis. Luckily his case was mild- although we don’t know what caused it. (And most people never find out) So he is on a special diet the rest of this month and is taking a herbal tonic for the pancreas as well as digestive enzyme/probiotics. I am really happy that he is ok- and pretty much 3-4 days after the attack he was 100% back to normal. Of course my goal is just to make sure it does not happen again. But I think we are on the right track and I look forward to switching him back to him normal food.
I have also decided that I think I need to buy a pair of these.

Not quite sure where I will wear them too- but I will find something!
HALFWAY through the work week! I am so looking forward to the weekend (as always). I think I might meander down to Little Tokyo and try to catch the end of the festival- at least I will grab some pink berry ;)
‘Till later!

April 28, 2011

Beautiful LA!

Artist/Photographer Link
Well it has been far to long since I last wrote....
Mostly I have been meaning to start writing and then can't decide on what to post.

Some AWSOME news! I Signed with Natural Model Management LA!
I am really excited to work with them! Not only do they promote healthy models but also promote a healthy body image to women and young girls- through Healthy is the new skinny.
I think everything they are doing is fantastic and it is precisely the kind of people I have always wanted to work with.

Also a friend of mine is producing a short film and asked me to take part. I am so excited! I believe that is shooting some time in August. The project name is Piper. 
Check out the Kickstarter Page HERE!

Another friend also contacted me regarding participation in a film he is working on that I might be good for!

I tell you things are just wonderful right now.
But it is also giving me some motivation to really get things going for myself as well. (like going to the gym more often :P)
So I am going to be working on all that- I am so happy to finally be moving forward!

More details coming soon!

March 1, 2011

Content- Impatient- Excited

Photographer Link
  I love this photo- Whenever I think of myself as a cat- I am a white cat- I am pretty sure I am gong to have to adopt one
Content and Thankful.....
I am content in my current state.
I have my love- and our adorable fur son.

He actually posed for these- usually I get in his face with a camera and he is up to lick my face :)

Good health for us all.
A great family- even though sometimes I am reminded about how too far apart we are.
That I am able to pay the bills and still have money for food.
(Although it is not my dream job) I am happy to have a job in this economy- Especially because I live close enough to walk- even to go home for lunch.

Impatient and Excited....
I am inpatient to get things going- there is so much I have plans to do- only waiting for one little peg to fall into place.
At the same time I am excited because I know that little peg is so close to being in place! Then we can get the party started :)

Again I feel I am on the edge- waiting for that push into everything I have been planning and dreaming about!

But until then I am content and thankful for where I am and how far I have come. And I know there is a bigger reason that it is happening at this time and not “right now” like I might like :P

As always I will be posting exciting updates as they come!

February 15, 2011


Another thing I want to do this year is cosplay. Most likely at the Anime Expo in downtown- especially since I am close enough to walk. For the anime expo I am going to go as some of my favorite Japanese anime characters (as long as I get them prepared in time.) I also wanted to do Comic con as some of my favorite comic book characters- but I believe that is already sold out  :P
Cospay is basically costume play. Some of my favorite part is how close you can get to the original. Cosplay I believe started with Japanese anime and has since gone into characters of any and all movies, tv, and animation.
Here are some great examples of cos-players. All are great costumes and great photos as well:
Celty- Durarara (Artist Link)

Allen Walker- D. Gray- man (Artist Link)

Gaara- Naruto (Artist Link)

Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XIII (artist link)

Hinata- Naruto (Artist Link)

Yuuki- Vampire Knight (Artist Link) (Photographer link)

ANBU black ops- Naruto (Artist Link)

Ichimaru Gin- Bleach (Artist Link)

Final Fantasy- Blitz ball (Artist Link)

Medusa- Soul Eater (Artist Link)

Naruto (Artist Link)

Kyuubi Nine Tails- Naruto (Artist Link)

Hidan & Kakzu- Naruto (Artist Link)
Yusei Fudo & Jack Atlas- Love the setting- (Artist Link)
So stay tuned for some of my works as I finish them ^o^