September 1, 2011

First Book Post :)

Hello everyone,
So the other day I was talking to my mom about the latest book I was reading and she suggested I post a quick review on my blog. I figure I currently don’t have a lot to post about and I read A LOT! (I get all these books from my local library.) Some people melt their credit cards with overuse- I would melt my library card :P
So here you are my first book review…..

Amazon Link
Living off the Grid: A Simple Guide to Creating and Maintaining a Self-reliant Supply of Energy, Water, Shelter and More
BY: David Black
I chose this book because some day I would like to live in a more rural area off the grid. So being the type of person I am- I am researching it as much as possible. (I take notes as well and usually get asked around work what I am studying - I guess I could easily say my future.)
This book is a great read for anyone interested in living off grid, or people who want to know what they can do now to conserve in their homes. Although it is more geared to people interested in off grid living. It also cautions the few with a passing interest that living off grid is a serious change in life style and should not be taken lightly.
It covers topics like: Shelter, Energy, Water, and Waste. (Even some suggestions on off grid jobs.)
It is not a complete how to book but a great book to start with to know what you are getting into.
For me there was not a lot in it to take notes on, but I have done a lot of research on the various off grid topics already. But like I said, it would be perfect for those who have heard about off grid living and would like to learn more.
One thing I did not agree with was using a microwave in place of a convection oven to save energy. Although it might save energy it also emits microwaves that are bad for your health. (I am currently working mine out of my kitchen and into a dumpster.)
What I did like about it was it was easy to read. I also liked that it listed options on each topic that I plan to implement in my set up. Such as: Shelter-earth dome/earth bags; Water- well & rainwater collection; Energy- solar & wind; Waste- Gray water, composting, and composting toilets. I felt that it covered most if not all of the options usually available in off grid living. (Although there are new option always developing.)
Over all worth the read if you know much about off grid or are interested in off grid living.
I think that I might do a post at a later time with a more detailed look at what I would like for myself for a self sustaining future home.
Till later…..

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