September 10, 2013

Book Reveiw: The Accidental Farmers

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The Accidental Farmers: An urban couple, a rural calling and a dream of farming in harmony with nature
By: Tim Young

I finally found this book at my local library after waiting FOREVER! 
(Kindle version is however inexpensive and available here.)
I have been wanting to read this book after I was first introduced to Nature's Harmony Farm through their blog and podcast (no longer in operation- blog still available as an archive). This was one of my main stops when researching sustainable farming. 
The subtitle of this book really gives you the idea of what this book is about "An urban couple, a rural calling and a dream of farming in harmony with nature". 
I really liked this real world story of how this couple came to decide to leave the rat race and farm. What is interesting is how it hit them both seemingly out of the blue. Another great development in the story is their decision to farm for other people. (They have come a long way and now produce award winning handmade cheeses.)
One thing I understand but do not agree with in the farming practices that they do not treat their animals. I mean I can understand not using conventional methods of treatment.( I do agree with not using the conventional methods of chemical worming and antibiotic use.) I still think that a natural option for treatments would not necessarily hinder an animal on becoming more "hardy" to the natural farming method. That is just my opinion as that is my plan to care for my future farm. I also would see it as sustainable as one would be able to grow the herbs and things needed or otherwise barter to get the things you cannot produce yourself. 

Over all this book was very well written and easy to read. It was one of those books that described so wonderfully the farm life that I dream of that I got the relaxed feeling like I was already there. I like that they also do not sugar coat the realities of farm life and give you a real idea what it is like. It is work...but it is worth it...if it is what you really want. As with most things in life I suppose. 
This book I think I would get on kindle or to have on my shelf to share with others. 

For more info on Tim & Liz and their farm you can visit Nature's Harmony Farm Website.

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