November 27, 2013

Found an old Book Reveiw: The Coconut Oil Miracle

Amazon Link (Newest Edition)    

 I was going through some of my old emails and ran across this book review that I had sent myself to post. Since this is the book that got me into coconut oil and it benefits I thought it would still be worth sharing with everyone. I read the older edition but I have also linked the newest edition here. 

Book Review: The Coconut oil miracle
By:  Bruce Fife, N.D. 
He is a certified nutritionist and naturopathic physician

Coconut oil has been used successfully for a variety of skin conditions and is showing great potential in treating AIDs and heart disease.
This book has an extensive explanation of the myth of coconut oil being unhealthy and scientific proof to back it up. Since it is a saturated fat it was grouped in with all the unhealthy saturated fats, even though it is not unhealthy.
Coconut oil was replaced with hydrogenated soy bean oil and our health is what took the blow.
Seems that the soybean industry funded the camping against coconut oil. I can believe it. After all one of the largest companies growing soybeans is Monsanto. 
Pacific islanders who primarily have only coconuts in their diet have benefited for many years of health superior to our own.
This book also credits WAP for using coconut oil but seems to think lard is also bad.Which lard from a healthy organically raised and fed animals is not unhealthy.
This book also connects the health of the mouth to the health of the body. Problems of the mouth can cause problems in the body- especially heart disease.
They also note that research is not being done on the large scale for the health benefits of coconut oil because there is no one to profit- coconut oil is cheap and readily available and cannot become a patented  pharmaceutical.
My biggest problem is that the CEOs and doctors conducting the research know that their products are hurting people. But they are making a profit and that is more important to them.
It is supposed to be healthful for things like cold and flu and I intend to try it the next time I am feeling a little below the weather.(Update: I take this whenever I am sick)
It seems to be good at fighting antibiotic resistant illness like raw honey.

I agree with their facts that coconut oil will promote our health and weight loss.
On skin and hair it is an unmatched health tonic. It gets rid of dandruff. Also is supposed to strengthen the skin against things like sun- and repair the skin from sun and age spots. Also fades old scars.(I use this as a stand along moisturizer now)
Your bones can also benefit because coconut oil aids in the absorption of calcium and magnesium. 

Start by using it to replace all other oils you cook with (vegetable- canola) and start with 1 tsp a day and work up to 3 TBS for best health benefits. 

Sounds like it is great for a variety of illnesses and great as an overall tonic- or preventative for health. 

Choose the brand that tastes best to you.I usually prefer Nutivia but I would like to also try Tropical Traditions.

This book also refers you to all the medical findings if you would like to dig them up and see them for yourself as well. 

There is even a whole chapter of recipes of how you can incorporate this into your diet.

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