September 5, 2014

Chibi Bubble Ninja's Sewing Cafe- Mordercai Hoody

 Hello everyone! Well I feel off the wagon already for posting 7 days in a row. To make up for it I have posted to go up today and over the weekend!
This post is for my latest Sewing project Mordercai Hoody.
Here is an original character photo:

 This is the Hoody with the arms and hood still detached. 
The hoody was made from a non-pill polar fleece for the blue and sweatshirt knit for both the black and white pieces. The entire hoody was patterned and sewn together by me. The design for the tail and the extended sleeves/wings were a special request by the client.

Hoody front- completed

Hoody Back completed

 Sleeve detail- This is the inner part of the sleeve. The elastic strap goes across the palm of the hand.
 Sleeve detail- Back of the hand/Wings.
 Tail detail- I was going to make these stiff so they stick out like the character. But that would interfere with sitting in chairs so it was decided to just make a hanging tail feather.
Lastly there is the hood that needs to have these great top points. Fosshape was used to create a flexible but sturdy look for the hood. 

I am looking to do this detailed breakdown of the new pieces. So stay tuned!

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